How Foxfly Works

How Foxfly outfoxes those in-your-face bush flies

The Foxfly flynet works like that amazingly effective Aussie cork hat.
Of course, the gaps are so big, the flies could easily get through.
But that’s about the last thing they’d do!

The reason is that the Australian bush fly has a unique aversion to entering what it perceives as enclosed spaces.Their “radar” sees the net – just like the strings and corks – as marking a no-go zone not to be approached, let alone entered.

Here is a little experiment: The next time you’ve got bush flies sitting on your back, slowly enter a doorway and watch what happens. The moment you put one foot inside they’ll take off, hover briefly and then disappear out of sight.

That’s how Foxfly works, too! And that’s why it’s not uncommon for people
to use the Foxfly HelmetNet with head gear for which it wasn’t specifically
designed. But so what -  as long as it beats the Great Aussie Salute.

Fly Fact: Bush flies hit top form at around 30 degrees and they start to ease up a bit as the mercury gets over 40.